Walk Around Video Of My 2023 BMW R1250 RT
This Is A Newer Walk Around Video Of My 2023 BMW R1250 RT You Can Click On All Of The Photos Below For Larger Versions In December I bought a new 2023 BMW R1250 RT from Hermy's to replace my stolen BMW GSA that was stolen in November 2022. I listed the motorcycles that I thought might make a good long distance and rally motorcycle like I had in the past. Motorcycles that made the list was Gold Wing, GSA and RT. Then I worked through the list listing what would be good and bad points to me. I ended up picking the BMW R1250RT as it had all of the options I wanted and more. It also has a lot of safety features like adaptive cruise control. Photo Of My Doubletake Mirrors and Barkbuster Handguards The Doubletake Mirrors are great and really provide a great view of what is behind me. We all know the RT's mirrors are not in the best location to see what is behind you and when I added the Barkbuster Blizzard Handguards the Doubletake Mirrors became even more valuable. The Barkbuster Blizzard Handguards really make a difference in the cold and rain. I will probably leave them on year round as I kind of like dry gloves. Photos Of My T-RexRacing Engine and Saddlebag Guards The T-Rex Racing BMW R1250 RT engine and saddlebag guards are very strong and well made. Both have built in replaceable sliders that I am sure will protect the engine and bags very well. They are a little heavier than other brands but you will be glad they are if you ever need them.
Some Thoughts Some of my initial thoughts on my new 2023 R1250 RT. It is very easy to maneuver and ride. The Good
Not So Good
Farkles List
AUX Tank Installation I had a nice 4.4 gallon aux tank sitting at my house and I decided to mount it on my new RT.
XM Antenna Replacement
3M Reflective Tape On The 2023 R1250RT 190/55R17 Tire Dunlop Roadsmart 3 Tire Car Tire On A BMW RT I will be running a car tire on the rear on my 2023 R1250 RT because I like to ride long distances and I don’t like to have to change my tires while out riding. Spacer And Longer GSA Bolts Required To Run A 205/50R17 Tire
Car Tire On The RT